Monday, January 31, 2011

Phil Toledano

Phil Toledano has some interesting work. Days With My Father is what led me to him but he has several good projects to look at on his site including Phone Sex, A New Kind of Beauty and America the Gift Shop.

From, Days With My Father

My father is very funny.
I put these little cookies on his chest, and he said-’look at my titties!’
How can you not laugh?

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Conscientious Extended | A Conversation with Timothy Archibald

By Joerg Colberg
Jan 5, 2007

A while ago, Timothy Archibald’s book Sex Machines was released, and since then I had been quite curious about how the book had been perceived and what Timothy’s experiences might have been......

Conscientious Extended A Conversation with Timothy Archibald

Larry Sultan- Pictures From Home

NPR has a good 10 minute interview with Larry Sultan about his projet, Pictures From Home posted here:

William Eggleston's "Stranded in Canton"

Shot in 1974 with a Sony Porta-Pak, the crazily careering Stranded in Canton documents a cast of hard-drinking Southerners with the intimacy, ease and instability of a seasoned participants. Whiffs of Southern Gothic are not new to Mr. Eggleston's work, but here they rise to the surface--fierce, tragic and proud." -- The New York Times

Some brief excerpts from the film may be found here: